Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Okay's First Blog!!!!!

Hiya – and welcome to my blog where I hope to be able to keep you up to date with all my current exciting happenings - and to stay in touch with YOU. The BIG news is, I've just finished the final proofing on my new book, Then They All Got Naked, and it goes to press next week. I'll have books in hand by mid-February so get ready to make your order … and prepare to fasten your seatbelts – it's a wild read!

The second printing of /Waking Up Men, /with a new prologue and epilogue, will go to press in March and those books will be available sometime in April. I have a new marketing plan to kick start new sales that I'll be talking about here as the re-launch date gets closer.

I have several speaking engagements about the books coming up in February and March and just as soon as I can figure out how to make a calendar here at the blog site I'll start posting that information for you.

Heather Swanson - the NYC photographer who shot the wonderful photographs for my new book, has set aside the week of May 11 th to pick a date for a New York launch of Then They All Got Naked. Watch for details here as the plans jell – and make a note to attend if you can. It's going to be FUN!!!

The Savannah debut for the new book will take place at a series of launch parties starting in late February. Dates and places are being locked in now, so again – check back here for details. And if you want to host a party, let me know and we'll work out a date!

Monday, January 7, 2008

webmaster test 2

This is further testing of blog tools for

Sunday, January 6, 2008