Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009


I can't believe the calendar page is already on May. Is it just me - or is 2009 really moving faster than any other year before it? Time flies, whether we're having fun or not, so I'm glad that I'm mostly having fun!

There are three book talks scheduled this month so far, one on May 8th, one on May 19, and another on the 22nd, articles to write for The Skinnie magazine, and ongoing work on my new book. Those things, together with working in the garden (you should see my tomatoes!), and visiting with friends and family, keep me happily keep'n on as the weather moves slowly from warm and wonderful toward the annual hot and humid months of summer.

I had an absolute blast as speaker for the Tybee Lighthouse Volunteers annual awards dinner last month. What a great bunch of folks they are that contribute their time and talent to make visitors have a wonderful museum experience. The one thing I forgot to mention during my talk was that my mother was a Tybee Lighthouse Museum volunteer back in the day, which gives me a personal connection to them all!

We had a huge loss in April, however, with the death of my children's beloved 86-year-old Grandmother – and my second "Mom" - Margy Saunders. Her grandchildren (and many of her great-grandchildren) all attended the funeral held in Warner Robins, GA, driving there from coastal Georgia and Tampa, Fla., or flying in from Pembroke, GA, Seattle, and England. It was wonderful to see my far-flung offspring all assembled in one place, but it was a very sad day for us all.