Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Entry

      Wow – it's fall already. And mid-Fall at that!  (It's very easy to forget this where the average daily temperature has remained in the 80s and 90s until very recently!)

       While I haven't been blogging much lately, I have been moving – back once again to Tybee Island. My good friend Betty Darby has suggested I need a tattoo on my forehead reading: "If found, return to Tybee Island." She may be right.

        And I'm told there's actually a bet on among my friends and family on how soon I'll be moving again. Be advised, you may safely put your money on the "never" column. I'm done.

         Book sales, like the rest of the economy, have been sluggish over the summer, but things are picking up now that Christmas is approaching and I have several parties lined up for before and even during the holidays. If you'd like to hostess a party locally just email me at - or call me at 912-472-4266. You'll get a free book if you do! J