Friday, April 11, 2008

april 11 post

Lots of "stuff" happening besides the loads of good P.R. that I want to keep you advised on.
I spoke to a chapter of the American Business Women here this week (a great bunch of women!) and was invited to participate with a talk and book signing in their upcoming "In Full Bloom" event May 18, 12:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Savannah. The afternoon of "celebration, honors, and awards" includes a Sunday Brunch, Spring Fling Fashion Show, a Silent and Live Auction (to include a signed copy of Then They All Got Naked), and live entertainment featuring the jazzy tunes of Robert Smith. It sounds absolutely fabulous and tickets for the entire event are only $25 (a dinner alone at the Hyatt is worth that!) and can be obtained by calling Wanda Meier at 912-660-8257, Joyce Prescott at 912-663-2920, or Carolyn Allen at 912-224-0405.
A talk about Waking Up Men scheduled April 17 for the Life Long Learners was cancelled due to space conflicts, but will be rescheduled and announced here when it is.
The next House Parties for Then They All Got Naked are set for April 22, at the home of Carol Saunders at The Landings, and Kris Edleman at Causton Bluff, May 1, and June 14th at the home of Mary Anne Hogan in Wilmington Park.
These parties are an absolute blast and if you haven't signed up to hostess one yet, why not? All you need to do is get with me to set a date, invite all your bawdiest girlfriends, put out a tray of cookies and plug in the coffee pot. Call me!
I'll be signing books at the Corvette Show at the Lighthouse on Tybee Island the afternoon of May 3. There will be roughly one bazillion beautiful Corvettes there for you to drool over, plus live entertainments, eats, and a good-time-was-had-by-all atmosphere. There's a donation bucket to support the local children's hospital so y'all come, you hear?
I'm headed for NYC the week of May 11th for book parties and signings. More details on that as things firm up.
And finally, on April 10, there was a blog post from G. Bovenizer in Co. Limerick, Ireland under the heading "polyamory" which was actually intended as a general post, so here it is:
"I thought the book "Then They All Got Naked" was absolutely fabulous! It read like the richest chocolate cake you could imagine. A deeply satisfying read all the way through to the very end. She made even the science bits funny and the steamy bits, oh heavens …."

1 comment:

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